You couldn't be here if stars hadn't exploded.
To the question, “Why me?” the cosmos barely bothers to return the reply, “Why not?”
Atheist: Natural Morals, Real Meaning, Credible Truth

08 April, 2006


Bush had to leak information to contradict what others are saying about WMD and going to war? He couldn't just release the information formally? "The White House provided the this declassified document explaining... " would have been a lot better than a bunch of "leaks". To everyone, supporters and detractors. That would be the democratic way. Not like a bunch of kids playing spy and war. Does Bush think this is a game? Obviously since he let the special prosecutor spend millions of dollars on an investigation when he knew all along he prompted it. But that is nothing in the big Iraq war game he is playing.

As much as this sounds like it, it doesn't seem we can impeach him on this. What a moron. The worst President in American history and we can't get rid of him.

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