You couldn't be here if stars hadn't exploded.
To the question, “Why me?” the cosmos barely bothers to return the reply, “Why not?”
Atheist: Natural Morals, Real Meaning, Credible Truth
28 March, 2010
"Out of many, one"
I've always hated "In God we Trust" on our money and buildings. It's wrong and wrong. I would like to see it removed from our money, removed from the pledge of allegiance, and buildings.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands; one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all."
"Out of many, one"
23 March, 2010
Science can answer moral questions
14 March, 2010
Another one...
"...the god theory doesn't make sense." What god theory do you refer to? There are innumerable concepts of "God", not all are equally implausible, however, are you amongst those that presupposes that Islam posits the existence of an anthropomorphic God (ex. an "invisible man up in the sky" or perhaps some large humanistic observer completely separate from the universe?). And you are right, before accepting any way of life, you MUST challenge it sincerely.
At least he is polite. My reply (I had to go direct to him because the moderator of that video won't allow my comments anymore):
The moderator doesn't like me anymore...
To me, any concept of any god having any control of anything in this universe is the god theory. A theory being an explanation for observed data. At my level, it could be an old caucasian with a white beard, a Palestinian with long dark hair, a wooish wooy woo energy wooism in the 12th dimension, or a small white mouse. Whatever you might think god is, I doubt very much that it exists in any way shape or form. And so far the only evidence presented is scripture and interpretation of it. Meaningless to me.
Celebrating life beyond belief
10 March, 2010
Yamani or Your Life
A nasty attempt to coerce Danish newspapers into apologizing for the cartoons of Mohammed.
"It's not enough that faith claims to be the solution to all problems. It is now demanded that such a preposterous claim be made immune from any inquiry, any critique, and any ridicule."
Free speech is not negotiable as far as I am concerned. I think I'll go find a muslim to argue with on YouTube! :-)
05 March, 2010
Toot toot my horn...
I’ve been given a 60 day layoff warning and in defense of my position, I wrote the following:
Frankly, I haven't begun to try to find another position in LM. If they they do replace me (not likely at this point), I am not interested in working there anymore.